Microsoft has announced that Internet Explorer 6 will be still supported until 2014. It seems that web developers should face the same problem occurred with Internet Explorer 5 (both Mac and Windows versions). This is a long term support: two years on the web are an eternity. Despite the fact that many developers have decided to bring down IE 6, this is not a feasible and practical approach, at least until IE6 won't have a significant market share. Here "significant" means more than 5% of the market share, that is, a small but still relevant percentage.
Supporting Internet Explorer 6 means working at most on the client side. Concerning this aspect, there are two standards that are worth of being considered more than others: CSS and JavaScript. Let's see how to tackle these two problems.
CSS support in Internet Explorer 6
The CSS support in IE 6 is absolutely buggy and incomplete. It's buggy, because it's heavily affected by the hasLayout property and it's incomplete, because it doesn't feature some advanced CSS properties and selectors, such as:
- :before, :after, :first-child and all the new CSS 3 selectors
- :hover on all elements
- opacity, multiple background images, min/max width/height, etc.
- fixed background images on all elements
- CSS 3 properties
The most obvious solution to this problem is to use JavaScript to mimic these features, for example by using jQuery to make IE 6 support the most advanced CSS selectors. Most CSS purists don't like this idea, but I think that they should consider the fact that they can't change the default behavior of IE 6 only with CSS, simply because IE 6 doesn't understand CSS very well! Further, another problem may arise: the overuse of CSS classes to apply styles to some elements that could be otherwise matched with CSS selectors, like this:
h2 + p { font: italic 1.2em Georgia, serif; color: #666; }
If you don't use JavaScript, you have to add a class within the markup in order to make the above styles work. If you follow this approach, you'll probably end up with dozens of classes within a single document! Instead, you can avoid this simply using a single jQuery statement:
$('h2 + p').addClass('first');
In this case, you keep CSS styles and markup separated, without worrying about generating a class attribute on each paragraph that follows a level-two heading. Do more with less: this is the jQuery's motto.
JavaScript support in Internet Explorer 6
Same story as for CSS: IE 6 JavaScript support is buggy and incomplete. What's worse, IE 6 features the slowest JavaScript engine among the other browsers. To mitigate this problem, follow the good advice of Yahoo!'s developers: put your scripts at the bottom of the page, like so:
<body> <!-- page content --> <script type="text/javascript" src="library.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="my-script.js"></script> </body>
I soon noticed significant improvements during page loading, because now the document body and scripts are parsed and fetched together. The other problem is related to the native implementation of JavaScript used by IE 6: in fact, this browser shows a curious mix between the ECMAScript standard and its proprietary jScript language (IE's implementation is actually stored in the jscript.dll library). The resulting implementation is actually inconsistent, mainly because most parts of the recent ECMAScript versions are not supported. Further, DOM implementation is incomplete and buggy: IE 6 shows significant problems even with the Level 1 of this standard. In addition to these problems, this browser uses a proprietary approach to some features of the DOM, like event handling.
Again, a good solution to these problems is using a JavaScript library to fix (or at least to mitigate) the aforementioned incompatibilities and inconsistencies, though in some cases this is not always possible.