How browsers support JavaScript frameworks

The most important thing you need to know about this topic could seem quite shocking: browsers are not supposed to support JavaScript frameworks. Basically, a browser must support only the ECMAScript standard (for its JavaScript engine) and the DOM specifications (for its DOM engine). Everything else is a plus. In other words, a JavaScript framework works because of the efforts of its developers for making it compatible with the greatest variety of browsers, not because browser implementors have tested this framework.

It's practically impossible for browser implementors to test extensively all the existing JavaScript frameworks. Even with a new browser release, this kind of tests (or regression tests) never take place. It's up to JavaScript coders to test their frameworks with the new browser release and fix bugs whenever they occur. So if your favorite framework shows some obtuse bugs in a newer browser release, you'll basically need to wait until these bugs will be fixed by the team that actually develops that framework. I know this it's hard to accept, but this is how things work with browsers.

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