jQuery: exit from a loop

jQuery's loops differs from normal JavaScript loops in how you can exit from them. In a normal JavaScript loop you can use the break statement to exit from the loop, while in jQuery this is not possible. Instead, you should use the return statement plus a given condition to make the loop stop. For example, suppose that you're looping through a set of list items and you want to exit from the loop just after the third item has been selected. Here's how you can do:

$('#test li').each(function(i) {
    return (i < 2);

In this case the loop ends when its index is less than 2. Since the loop starts from 0, you're actually adding a class only to the first three items. Further, the return statement can be used to make the action of a loop more explicit:

$('#test2 li').each(function() {
    if(/^[a-z]$/i.test($(this).text())) {
      return $(this).addClass('test');

Bear in mind, however, that a jQuery loop returns an object by default. You can see this behavior by storing the loop in a variable:

var loop = $(elements).each(function() {
  // ...

alert(loop); // [object Object]


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