In this post I'll show you how to create a simple PNG animation with jQuery. There's nothing difficult with this: all we need is a PNG image divided into several sequential frames that will be progressively revealed by adjusting the horizontal value of the CSS
property. Here's our image:
Our image is 300 x 127 pixels wide. Each frame is about 60 pixels wide, so our initial styles will be the following:
#anim { height: 127px; width: 60px; background: url(walker.png) no-repeat 0 0; margin: 0 auto; }
Now we need to create an array and store there all the frame positions of our animation. Then we loop through this array using an index value within a JavaScript timer that makes our animation enter in an infinite loop:
$(function() { var steps = [0, 60, 110, 171, 230, 300]; var index = -1; var interval = setTimeout(function() { index++; if(index == 5) { index = 0; } $('#anim').css('backgroundPosition', '-' + steps[index] + 'px 0px'); setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100); }, 25); });
We use a progressive negative value for the CSS background-position
property. You can see the demo below.
Very interesting approach. I'm wondering though why you havent chosen individial images for each frame to loop through instead? Performance benefit?
If you choose different images, there is a possibility that an image don't load when it comes her turn to appear.