Coda theme for Google Prettify

Today I found some spare time to make a porting of a Coda color scheme for TextMate to Google Prettify. As always with these operations, something is still missing after the process, mainly due to the fact that the color schemes of Coda don't match the CSS classes used by Google Prettify. In fact, Coda features more color combinations than Google Prettify, depending on the language in use.

Here's the CSS file:

/* Coda scheme ported from TextMate to google prettify */

pre.prettyprint { padding: 5px; border-left: 5px solid #939393; 
border-width: 0 0 0 5px !important;}
pre .nocode { background-color: none; color: #000 }
pre .str { color: #731318; } /* string */
pre .kwd { color: #8C1751;} /* keyword */
pre .com { color: #256D24; } /* comment */
pre .typ { color: #000; } /* type */
pre .lit { color: #000;} /* literal */
pre .pun { color: #000 }    /* punctuation */
pre .pln { color: #000 }    /* plaintext */
pre .tag { color: #861681;} /* html/xml tag */
pre .atn { color: #C5680C;} /* attribute name */
pre .atv { color: #221AA6;} /* attribute value */
pre .dec { color: #1F00FF; } /* decimal */

/* Specify class=linenums on a pre to get line numbering */
ol.linenums { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; 
color: #333; } 
/* IE indents via margin-left */
li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8 {
 list-style-type: none }
/* Alternate shading for lines */
li.L1,li.L3,li.L5,li.L7,li.L9 {background: #eee;}

And here's an example with some HTML markup:

<div id="branding">
 <h1 id="header">Test</h1>

To use this CSS code on your web site, simply replace your prettify.css file with the file containing the above code. Enjoy! smile

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