jQuery: entry effect

In this post I'm going to show you how to create an effective entry effect with jQuery. Imagine that you have a slide with several components inside. You want that after this slide appears each component must be shown in a sequence. To accomplish this, we only need a few CSS rules a couple of jQuery effects. Let's start with our markup:

<div id="test">

 <div class="figure1"><span>1</span></div>
 <div class="figure2"><span>2</span></div>
 <div class="figure3"><span>3</span></div>


Now a couple of CSS rules:

#test {
 width: 800px;
 height: 500px;
 background: blue;
 position: absolute;
 top: 100px;
 left: -1000em;
 overflow: hidden;

div.figure1 {
 width: 180px;
 height: 113px;
 background: url(figure1.png) no-repeat;
 position: absolute;
 top: -113px; 
 right: 20px;

div.figure2 {
 width: 180px;
 height: 91px;
 background: url(figure2.png) no-repeat;
 position: absolute;
 top: 120px;
 left: -980px;

div.figure3 {
 width: 180px;
 height: 140px;
 background: url(figure3.png) no-repeat;
 position: absolute;
 top: -140px;
 left: 50%;
 margin: -70px 0 0 -90px;

div span {
 height: 20px;
 width: 100%;
 position: absolute;
 top: 50%;
 left: 0;
 margin-top: -10px;
 text-align: center;
 display: none;
 font-size: 20px;

We've used absolute positioning with negative offsets on our main components so that the entry effect will be more evident. I didn't test this CSS solution in Internet Explorer so far, but if you run into troubles, add the z-index property to each element by making sure that the main container will have a greater value than the rest of components. Alternatively, you can set display: none on the three divs, position them and then show them with jQuery.

The jQuery code is as follows:

$(function() {

  $('#run').click(function(event) {
      left: 10
    }, 1000, function() {
        top: 0
      }, 800, function() {
          left: 500
        }, 800, function() {
            top: '50%'
          }, 800, function() {


As you see, we've used a simple animation chain to position all elements in place and show those elements that were hidden. You can see the demo below.


Live demo

This entry was posted in by Gabriele Romanato. Bookmark the permalink.

2 thoughts on “jQuery: entry effect”

  1. Or you could do this (sorry html tag are no allowed!);

    li image 1 /li
    li image 2 /li
    li image 3 /li

    $('#post-it li').hide();

    function fadeInFirstInvisible() {
    $('#post-it li:not(:visible):first').fadeIn(800, fadeInFirstInvisible);


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